Living together
Interfaith Short Film Launch
Short intro about the project ullam id dui elementum diam porta vestibulum et non augue. Orci varius natoque nedi penatibus. diam porta vestibulum et non augue. Orci varius natoque nedi penatibus.

Time Description Remarks
10:00 – 10:03
(3min) Welcome and Introduction – Sivin/LWF Peder & team start webinar and livestream
Monica/Loic monitor chat
Film Launch and Thematic Discussion
7m Jakatarub Film (6 min)
1 Jakarta Muslim Youth Feedback (1 min) Slido for participants to share “What is one word that come to your mind when you watch the film?”
Slide link:
(7m)Interview with Director’s view: Jakatarub
10:17- 10:27AM
10m Conversation on the Themes
– Fernando/KN-LWF Indonesia
– Ingvil/hlsenteret, Norway
– Sam/MRG, UK
10:27 –
(5m) Bali short films
– 2 short films (2 min each)
-1 Bali response (1min)
(10m) Conversation on the Themes
– Fernando/KN-LWF Indonesia
– Ingvil/hlsenteret, Norway
– Sam/MRG, UK Slido for participants to share “What is one word that come to your mind when you watch the film?”
Slide link:
(3m) Share results from both Slidos results
Share Screen
Discussion on the value and use of short films
10:45 – 11:00AM
(15m) Conversation on Why and How to use the films
– Fernando/KN-LWF Indonesia
– Ingvil/hlsenteret, Norway
– Sam/MRG, UK
– Alisa/WikiBali, US or one of the judges from Indonesia.
11:00 – 11:03AM
(3m)Closing Remarks – UNESCO Representative
Conclusion and what’s next?